
Howdy folks! this is my first gamejam project ever! Today is the Release of that project! of course, I didn't work alone. But I both programmed the game and made the levels! Now let me tell you, there WERE plans to make a level editor at one point. but it was too much work. Honestly the hardest part WAS designing the levels. anyway, feel free to brag if you got the no death easteregg at the end of the game.  (represented by a coin on the end screen) if you already died you'll probably have to reset the page to get it because there's no moment where it resets the deaths to 0 in code. Whoops! oh well, it doesn't do anything anyway.


Iterative 23 MB
Mar 01, 2021
Iterative 46 MB
Mar 01, 2021

Get Iterative Error